(DAY 2) Rafael Kalil x Vinci Mok <Akaal Drifters 亡旅人>

活動時間 Event Date & Time

15/6/2024 8:00 PM

活動地點 Event Location

九龍觀塘興業街14號永興工業大廈9樓11室 Rm 11, 9/F, Wing Hing Industrial Building, No.14 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon

價錢 Price

$HKD280 (1-Day Pass) / HKD420 (2-Day Pass) || Student HKD150 (1-Day Pass) / HKD220 (2-Day Pass)

詳情 Details

(DAY 2) Rafael Kalil x Vinci Mok

<Akaal Drifters 亡旅人>

Music journey beyond death, sound healing, butoh, poem + Artists sharing

1-Day Pass - Rafael x Vinci Duo Performance - 15 Jun

1-Day Pass - Rafael x Vinci Duo Performance - 15 Jun (Students / 太一會員)

2-Day Pass - Rafael Kalil Solo + Rafael x Vinci Duo Performances - 14 & 15 Jun

2-Day Pass - Rafael Kalil Solo + Rafael x Vinci Duo Performances - 14 & 15 Jun (Students / 太一會員)

Artist Profile

莫穎詩Vinci Mok

香港土生士長。曾任多間紙媒編採或形象指導 ; 電影/廣告的美術或服裝指導;民族服裝店小老闆 ,現則為多元藝術創作/表演/教學自由人 ,近十多年以日本戰後源生的舞踏或五感/地境的肢體對話表演為她的藝術主道,但仍偶為劇場演員及偶作行為藝術、即興演唱、默劇表演。莫也同時是Prayana Jagariti 及陰瑜伽導師/臼井靈氣能量手療師/kudanili 銅鑼及頌缽及音义的聲療師'/經络撥筋治療師/人體寫生模特等。

莫現為形藝祭及犇舞踏演劇場發起人/藝術總監、日本天然肉體詩人舞踏團成員,也曾為Y-Space 2團主席、赤犢劇團、同流默劇工作室、Art Wave每月街頭跨媒art jamming 發起人及重要成員及委員。

曾修讀香港演藝學院戲劇文憑。曾涉獵多種常規/另類/當代/民眾劇場或表演,並曾跟港/台/日/中/英/韓/泰/澳門/吉隆坡/尼泊爾/印度等大小型表演團體有多次合作的經驗,更曾持續跟隨多個日/法/台/印尼/印度大師/導演/编舞作不恆常進修或研習多種傳統以至當代的劇場或舞蹈訓練 ,曾習陳式太極、太極導引、巴西戰舞、面具、小丑、禪鼓、非洲鼓、能劇、印度傳統舞蹈、Gaga 等.....

曾師隨和栗由己夫/吉崗由美子/川本裕子/藤條虫丸/桂勘等多位日本舞踏大師多年學藝並作大小型共同創作演出。莫在經營舞踏或身體/五感相關的表演創作或教學上,更尊祟舞踏先鋒土方巽那土方系的舞踏信念,讓一切殘缺、黑暗及惡仍可在限制中存在得更美麗,而莫亦堅守其舞踏得跟人民生活、歷史、土地連繫,成為更富地境性的演出或傷健/社區/銀.青都能平等共融的項目。莫更師隨前台灣舞垢舞蹈劇場資深女舞者林晏甄及已故印尼宮廷面具舞大師Bambang Mbesur ,他們於回歸身體主軸的覺知、觀察,卻省掉過度、多餘、偽裝的叮囑,更成為莫在舞踏表演上不能疏忽的生命質感。莫曾多次獲邀在台、北京、日、泰、馬來西亞、韓、德、中/東歐、孟加拉、印尼等國参演當地國際性的舞踏節或藝術節 。

、教師協會等作客席/短期舞踏表演相關導師 。


"Music for Aliens & Cats."—— RAFAEL KALIL

Rafael Kalil, Brazilian musician and multi-artist, began his musical studies in 1984 at the Suzuki violin school in Rio de Janeiro. He grew up immersed in orchestral environments, exploring protest rock bands, and traditional Brazilian brass bands. With forays into both comedic and dramatic theater, he developed as a musical director and experimented with performing as a musician on stage.

In 2016, he journeyed to Amsterdam, delving into theater and music projects, refining his cello playing style under new contemporany influences. In Egypt, he absorbed Arabic and African aesthetics before moving to Paris, expanding his horizons and participating in international projects, including the 2019 Fringe Festival in Edinburgh with artists from Hong Kong.

Exploring various locations from London to Guatemala City, Oaxaca, Berlin, and India, Rafael immersed himself in local music studies. Returning to Brazil due to the pandemic, he dedicated himself to creation, directing his own music videos, and producing theater in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

Additionally, he engaged in contemporary dance projects with renowned choreographers and dancers. In 2023, at the invitation of artists from Hong Kong, he returned to co-create "The Shadow’s Dance" an original immersive theater production. He conducted artistic residencies and music shows in locations such as Cairo, Montpellier, Berlin, Amsterdam, and Paris, solidifying his journey as a global and collaborative artist.


Enquiry or Enrollment


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For any enquiries or support please reach us with +852 9146 1011



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